Section I. Some general questions concerning comrades
第一部分 一些关于同志们的常见问题
Q1: Some of my friends consider their recognition of the orientation as a big event in their life. What about you? How did you realize that you were different from other boys? How did you feel when you first found that you yourself should be attracted by a boy? Did you struggle a lot to accept yourself as non-straight?
I don’t think ‘discovering myself’ is any big thing for me, it’s just a part and parcel of my life. I know I always looked at boys when I was young then I know that I am different. I just feel normal, just a preference. Nope I don’t struggle a lot. I accept who I really am
Q2: Are you out to anybody? Friends? Relatives? Parents? Would they accept you? Were there any stories when you came out?
I am out to my close friends and work colleagues. But definitely not my parents and relatives, they are conservatives. My friends can accept me very well however, I don’t think my parents will accept it well. I might tell them but not this time. I am sure my mom can sense something is wrong with me
Q3: No offence! Could you please talk about your romance… How many boyfriends have you had, and how do you evaluate your emotional experience? What kind of guys do you enjoy most?
I used to flirt around (maybe I still am!) and had many flings. I will say I had one boyfriend before, it hurt so much that I am very picky in getting into relationship now. I am into any kind of guys as long as they give me sense of security, simple. I am a sensitive boy so it’s not easy to conquer me in a relationship. He must be someone who I can really trust.
Q4: Do you prefer a long-term relationship with a boyfriend, which is stable and ordinary or short-term ones, which are always fresh? What do you think about the division of roles in a relationship (top/bottom/…)? Would you get married with somebody in the future? How would you like your life in the future be?
I prefer stable and long term relationship. I played too much and it’s time for me to settle down. Sex roles (top/bottom/vers) are just preferences. They don’t determine how masculine or feminine you are. I might or might not get married, with guy or maybe girl. Nobody knows what the future is like. Definitely I want my other half to be financially stable and professional, we both will own one nice apartment with a pet dog and lead a nice comfortable life. (I do see myself to be successful in my career too, so I hope my other half will be somewhere around my level)