【 No.11】Nawi: I am who I am and Whatever




Section I. Some general questions concerning comrades

第一部分 一些关于同志们的常见问题

Q1: Some of my friends consider their recognition of the orientation as a big event in their life. What about you? How did you realize that you were different from other boys? How did you feel when you first found that you yourself should be attracted by a boy? Did you struggle a lot to accept yourself as non-straight?


I don’t think ‘discovering myself’ is any big thing for me, it’s just a part and parcel of my life. I know I always looked at boys when I was young then I know that I am different. I just feel normal, just a preference. Nope I don’t struggle a lot. I accept who I really am :slight_smile:

我不认为“发现我自己”对我来说是什么重大的事情,它只是我人生中的一块内容。我小时候发现自己总是看男孩子,于是知道了自己是不一样的。我感觉(取向的问题)很平常,只是一个偏好。我没有经历什么内心的挣扎,我接受真实的自我 :slight_smile:


Q2: Are you out to anybody? Friends? Relatives? Parents? Would they accept you? Were there any stories when you came out?


I am out to my close friends and work colleagues. But definitely not my parents and relatives, they are conservatives. My friends can accept me very well however, I don’t think my parents will accept it well. I might tell them but not this time. I am sure my mom can sense something is wrong with me :slight_smile:

我向一些要好的朋友和工作的同事出了。但一定不要是父母和亲戚,他们很传统的。虽然我的朋友们能很好地接受我,我父母肯定不行。我或许会告诉他们吧,但不是现在。不过我敢肯定,我妈妈能感觉到我的一些不对劲儿的地方 :slight_smile:


Q3: No offence! Could you please talk about your romance… How many boyfriends have you had, and how do you evaluate your emotional experience? What kind of guys do you enjoy most?


I used to flirt around (maybe I still am!) and had many flings. I will say I had one boyfriend before, it hurt so much that I am very picky in getting into relationship now. I am into any kind of guys as long as they give me sense of security, simple. I am a sensitive boy so it’s not easy to conquer me in a relationship. He must be someone who I can really trust.



Q4: Do you prefer a long-term relationship with a boyfriend, which is stable and ordinary or short-term ones, which are always fresh? What do you think about the division of roles in a relationship (top/bottom/…)? Would you get married with somebody in the future? How would you like your life in the future be?


I prefer stable and long term relationship. I played too much and it’s time for me to settle down. Sex roles (top/bottom/vers) are just preferences. They don’t determine how masculine or feminine you are. I might or might not get married, with guy or maybe girl. Nobody knows what the future is like. Definitely I want my other half to be financially stable and professional, we both will own one nice apartment with a pet dog and lead a nice comfortable life. (I do see myself to be successful in my career too, so I hope my other half will be somewhere around my level)



Section II. Some general questions concerning life in Indonesia & Singapore & China

第二部分 一些关于印度尼西亚/新加坡/中国的生活的常见问题

Q5: What do you think is the biggest difference between life in the “normal” world and in the LGBT world? Do your gay friends form gay groups, and if so do you often go out to play together? Do you enjoy gay bars and clubs? And could you compare those in Indonesia with Singapore?



Biggest difference? Maybe showing your love in public. You can hold hands in public just that public won’t really accept it yet. I believe there are gay groups or clicks, but I don’t have one. I always hang out with my best friends (straight). Personally I don’t really enjoy the nightlife, but I enjoy the company I get from my friends.


Indonesia is still very conservative so the gay scene is very restricted. Unlike Singapore, we are more happening in terms of night life and sex scene. There are a few gay saunas for guys to find sex inside. That’s disgusting (my personal opinion).


Q6: Would you like to work for LGBT charities (at all)? Have you ever joined something like a gay pride parade? Do you think the attitudes of Indonesian and Singaporean to LGBT people fair enough? Or you just do not care about it at all and just would like to enjoy your own life?


Nope, I won’t. I am more into children charity like UNICEF :slight_smile: Helping children is more important to me. Nope I won’t join gay parade. I am gay and I accept it, I don’t go around showing to public. There is no such thing called Fair Treatment. As long as we are still treated as human beings, we should not complain much. Maybe I just don’t care and I mind my own life :slight_smile:

不,我不愿意。我更喜欢儿童慈善团体比如UNICEF(联合国儿童基金会):slight_smile: 帮助儿童对我来说更重要。不我不会参加同志游行。我是同志并且我接受它,但我不会四处走动向公众展示它。没有叫做“公平待遇”的东西。只要我们仍然被当做人类一份子来对待,我们就不应该抱怨很多。或许我就是不介意吧,我(更)关心自己的生活:)


Q7: What do you think is more important, friendship or love? It seems that you enjoy travelling with friends very much. What factors of travel do you think is most appealing? Can you provide us with some beautiful pictures taken in your journey to show off your photography?


Friendship. Love can’t last forever but friendship does. I don’t travel much my own, whenever I have the opportunity I will enjoy it. You can get my photo from my Facebook. But still, I wish to remain anonymous at least :slight_smile:



Q8: How do you like China? And Chinese guys? Would you like to pay a visit to China someday? What is your plan after graduation? To apply for a Master Degree or for a job or else? Where do you want to work in the future, Singapore or Indonesia or else?


I like China and I don’t discriminate. Chinese guys are cute, aren’t we? Sure I love to visit there someday. I will pursue a Master in UK and I have a contract of 5 years with Singapore company :slight_smile:


Q9: Anything else you’d like to talk about?





后记:问完之后觉得咦这个和中国同胞有啥大的区别么有啥大的区别么。预期的性自由啊无下限啊男友当炮友啊等等桥段都木有出现啊。反而给我印象最深的是Nawi几乎每个周末都在外边旅游而我焦虑地闷在家里各种拖延。这个可以参考《关于鸡血与人生观》一文(http://www.douban.com/note/185697800/)。其他的印象么,可能就是他们各种积极向上热心又善良(又地图炮了)。传说中爱尔兰的禁止离婚法案早已于1995年被废除,但离婚仍然非常之麻烦。听说爱尔兰人其实很少离婚;一些年轻人可能愿意保持同居而不结婚,但更多人是愿意结婚的。在爱尔兰,同性伴侣可以结为一种特殊的“公民关系”,但因为不是正式夫妻关系所以不能领养小朋友,于是他们搞的同志平权运动主要指向“marriage equality”。其实我在想,先领养再结为特殊公民关系不就行了。Whatever, if they want. 每年六月都柏林会有大型同志骄傲游行,没能去看看还蛮可惜的。以上。


-.- 我错了,不该断楼的

:onion_25: 我最讨厌两种人:深夜发食物照片的人;不识数的人;记性不好的人;深夜发食物照片的人。


首页支持一下小T :onion_12:





羡慕出生在国外的,想一下如果将来成功出国了之后可能只能用中文来鄙视其他人了吧… 世界上最难的语言不是容易的 -.-




:yc_61: “国外”也包括索马里、朝鲜?

这也是没办法的,谁叫人学会了归纳法呢?生活中注意一下就好了 :yc_21:

但如果一个同志并未觉得自身权益受到侵害,而 愿意去帮助一些他认为更为弱势的群体,我们是不是也应该给予他足够的宽容。


